Downloading AppScan 360° Static Analysis

Downloading AppScan 360° Static Analysis using Harbor

To download AppScan 360° Static Analysis using Harbor:
  1. Using Helm, login to HCL Harbor using your HCL ID.
    > helm registry login -u <hcl-harbor-username> -p <hcl-harbor-cli-token>
    The AppScan 360° SAST project area is accessible if you have a valid license for the product, as validated by your HCL ID.
  2. Download the base chart:
    > helm pull oci://  --version <SAST-VERSION> --untar

Downloading AppScan 360° Static Analysis via archive

To download the AppScan 360° Static Analysis deployment archive file:
  1. Login to FlexNet Operations and download the archive file, AppScan360_SAST_v1.0.0.tar.gz.

    Access to the archive file is validated by your HCL ID.

  2. Extract the file:
    > tar -xzvf AppScan360_SAST_v1.0.0.tar.gz
Download notes:
  • Local download uses local-path as the storage provider by default, where the scan artifacts are stored.
  • The deployment command can be run more than once. If AppScan 360° SAST is already installed, then the command performs an upgrade.