Updating the License Key

HCL will supply you with a License Key, which needs to be uploaded to the mainframe. To update the License Key, follow the steps outlined in this section.

About this task

ZLVLICRE is a batch job used to create a sequential file for storing the License Key (binary format). The License Key is required by jobs, ZLVLICI and ZLVLICV.


  1. To run the creation job, use job ZLVLICRE. You need to customize this job before submission.
  2. To populate the sequential file with the supplied License Key, you need to upload the License Key to the host. See the following sample instructions for upload via FTP:
    ftp> open pthomu1.prod.hclpnp.com
    Connected to pthomu1.prod.hclpnp.com.
    220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R3 at PTHOMU1.prod.hclpnp.com, 04:01:37 on 2022-mm-dd.
    220 Connection will close if idle for more than 60 minutes.
    501 command OPTS aborted -- no options supported for UTF8
    User (pthomu1.prod.hclpnp.com:(none)): userid1
    331 Send password please.
    230 USERID1 is logged on. Working directory is "USERID1.".
    ftp> put C:\temp\lickey 'ZLV.LICENSE.KEY'
    200 Port request OK.
    125 Storing data set ZLV.LICENSE.KEY
    250 Transfer completed successfully.
    ftp: 682518 bytes received in 3.99Seconds 170.93Kbytes/sec.
    ftp> quit
    221 Quit command received. Goodbye.