Inactive report groups

In the Report Groups step, the panel of a report group may be highlighted in gray. These report groups were disabled due to a high number of instances of the dimension (called facts) recorded for this report group over a one-hour interval.

  • Discover enforces a global limit of 500,000 on the number of facts that can be recorded for a specific event over a one-hour interval. If this limit is exceeded, the fact is disabled, as well as any scorecards or dashboards that use the fact.
  • This limit is imposed to prevent runaway fact creation and needless growth of the database.

A disabled fact must be re-enabled through the event definition.

Note: Before a fact is re-enabled, you should resolve why the fact was recorded so many times and correct the issue.
  • To re-enable a disabled fact, click the arrow to display the report group menu, then select Reactivate. The fact is now active and is recorded when it is detected in the capture stream.