Condition step

About this task

In the Condition step, you specify one or more conditions under which the event fires. If the conditions are detected, the event evaluates as True, and the resulting value or values are stored and, if configured, made available for reporting.

  • You select specific conditions and specify whether All or Any of the conditions must be met for the event to fire.
  • The maximum length for selected values of text for step attributes, hit attributes, and events is 256 characters.

Each event must have at least one condition. There is no maximum limit to the number of conditions that an event can have.

Note: You can configure an event to be triggered on every hit by specifying a condition that occurs in each hit.
  • To create complex rules using multiple logical operators (for example, if ((A and B) or C) = true, then fire event), you must configure multiple events or use Advanced Mode, which must be enabled. See Advanced Mode for Events.


  1. From the drop-down in the right panel, select the evaluator among the following that must be met in order for the condition to evaluate as True:
    Any of the listed conditions must be true.
    All of the listed conditions must be true.
    Events occur in the following sequence
    The listed events must occur in the order in which they are listed. See SpecialEventTypes_46.html#TEMEventsTab-SpecialEventTypes__TEMEventsTab-SequenceEvents.
    Distance between events is between the following number of seconds
    The distance between the listed events is measured to be within the specified range of seconds. See SpecialEventTypes_46.html#TEMEventsTab-SpecialEventTypes__TEMEventsTab-DistanceEvents.
    Distance between events is between the following number of hits
    The distance between the listed events is measured to be within the specified range of hits. See SpecialEventTypes_46.html#TEMEventsTab-SpecialEventTypes__TEMEventsTab-DistanceEvents.
  2. From the left panel, you may add Events, Hit Attributes, or Session Attributes as conditions:
    1. To add a condition, click the name for object type to use in the condition to expand the section. Then, select the object to be used for the condition. All available objects are displayed.
      Note: End of Session events cannot reference hit attributes. Similarly, First Hit of Session events cannot reference user-defined session attributes, which were not yet defined.
      Condition Type
      Apply a configured event as the basis for the condition. See Event conditions.
      Hit Attributes
      Use a pre-defined or user-defined hit attribute to create the condition. See Hit attribute conditions.
      Session Attributes
      Use one of the pre-defined or user-defined session attributes to create the condition. See Session attribute conditions.
    2. Select or populate any displayed fields for the condition.
      • To perform a case-sensitive matching for the condition, click the Case Sensitive ( ) check box.
        Note: Text values for conditions can be a maximum of 255 characters in length.
  3. If you created a condition that compares the selected event or attribute to another value, you may configure a specified value or the value of another event, hit attribute, or session attribute.
    1. To specify a fixed value for comparison, enter the value in the textbox.
    2. To compare the value to the value of another data object, click Set Item. In the dialog, select the object whose value you want to use in the comparison.
      • To remove the comparison to a data object, click Set Item again. In the dialog, select the value under Fixed User Defined Value. When the dialog closes, enter the fixed value in the textbox.
      • Set Item cannot be used with some events, such as distance and sequence events.
  4. Add and configure extra conditions as needed.
  5. Click the next step. See Value step.