Configuring the Filebeat Service

The Discover installer installs the beats to all the components, but you must configure it and start it from Manage Services in the portal.

About this task

To configure the Filebeat Service, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Discover portal, navigate to Discover > Manage Services.
    The Discover Services Management page appears.
  2. From the WorldView tab, expand the server node and expand the FileBeat Service node.
  3. Within the FileBeat Service, select the FileBeat configuration file.
  4. Click View/Edit (Raw).
  5. Within the ElasticSearch Output section, provide the IP address and the port number (9200) of the server running an instance of the Elastic search engine.
  6. Within the FileBeat inputs section, provide the path or paths to pick the data.
  7. By default, the value of enabled is false. Set it to true.
  8. Click Save.
    The Update Server(s) dialog appears.
  9. Click Add Tasks and Submit.
  10. In case of muti-server deployment, perform Step 2 to Step 9 for all servers.