General section

Table 1. General section


XML Console Display Description
<CaptureVersion> Capture version The DNCA software version number.
<CapturedPctCpu> Captured CPU usage percent (high) The current CPU usage for the process.
<CoreDumpCount> Number of coredumps Number of coredumps that occurred from any of the DNCA processes. This is a count of coredump files in the /usr/local/dncauser subdirectory.
<CpuLoadPct> CPU load percentage The total CPU load percentage reported by the system.
<InstanceCount> Number of instances Number of instances that arerunning (listend and reassd pairs).
<PeerCount> Number of delivery peers Number of Deliverd socket connections to Discover processing servers.
<ProcessCount> Number of processes Total number of processes that make up the Network Capture software, Apache server processes, and so on.
<ProcessClassCount Number of process classes Total number of Discover specific processes that are grouped in classes.
<ReassdPctCpu> Reassd CPU usage percent (high) The highest CPU percentage usage as reported by the system within all Reassd processes. There can be multiple Reassd processes, but typically only one.