Review report and iterate

From time to time, you should monitor the dimension constants in the report that you are using.

Table 1. Review report and iterate
Constant Values Description
  • of values > 1% of total values
In a large enough sample size, if more than 1% of the values are recorded as [others], some useful data is not appearing in the whitelist. You should download the log values again and compare the downloaded values to the values that you stored in your whitelist directory to determine the missing values with the highest counts.
consistent counts of 0 Your whitelist is tracking all recorded values. Although it is possible that your whitelist may contain values that are not detected in the capture stream, you should not revise it unless necessary.
  • of values > 3% of (Max Values Per Hour * 24)
If the number of values that are stored as [limit] is greater than 3% of the total possible values that are recorded in the dimension for a day, then the maximum number of dimension values that can be recorded per hour may be configured to be too low. If possible, you should raise the value so that more meaningful value can be captured.
consistent counts of 0 The maximum number of values that are captured per hour is not being exceeded, which means that you allocated sufficient storage space to track the dimension data on an hourly basis.
Note: Changing one of the above limits can have impacts on the other. For example:
  • If you raise the [limit] value, then Discover may begin detecting less frequently visited URLs, which may not appear in the whitelist. These values are recorded as [others], which may increase the count of that metric.
  • If you expand your whitelist, the [others]} count may go down, but you also raise the potential number of detected values, which increases the chances of triggering {{[limit] conditions.