
After you stabilized your URL (Normalized) whitelist, complete the following tasks:

  • You should consider disabling logging for the dimension, if you did not do so already.
    • Pro: Reduces the overall data footprint of the URL (Normalized) dimension, which can be significant.
    • Con: If you see a significant uptick in the [others] entries, you cannot immediately explore the cause of them through the dimension logs. You must re-enable dimension logging and then perform your compare.
    • See 1. Initial configuration for URL (Normalized).
  • If you did not do so already, switch the URL (Normalized) dimension to record in Whitelist Only mode.
    Note: For any high-volume dimension, you should disable capture of observed values after the whitelist for the dimension was stabilized.
  • If you created a custom report using the URL (Normalized) dimension for purposes of tracking the dimension constants, you should remove the dimension from the report or delete the report, so that unnecessary data is not stored in the database.
    • The dimension can always be added back later.