Hits without Timestamps

If a hit is received with improperly formatted or incomplete timestamp information, the DNCA does not generate these associated timestamps.

About this task

When the hit is passed to the Processing Server for evaluation, the Processing Server applies a timestamp value of 01/01/1970 to the hit. The hit is then written to a session file with the same timestamp.

Each hour, the Processing Server deletes session archive files that are older than the number of days of data that is configured to be retained in the Processing Server. So, the hit is automatically deleted every hour.

The number of days of data that is retained by the Processing Server is defined in the Canister Services tab of Canister configuration in the Discover Management System.

In addition to malformed or missing timestamps, the following types of hits cannot have timestamps:


Discover system statistics hits submitted by various Discover components to report on their status cannot be filtered out of the Canister capture stream by the Session Router session agent.
  • For more information about these hits, see "System Statistics" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  • See "Session Router Session Agent" in the HCL DiscoverConfiguration Manual.