Discover Network Capture Application Overview

Network Capture Application from Discover captures and records the complete interaction between the visitor and the web application environment by using a network tap or network switch spanning port. The Network Capture Application software features the following benefits:

  • Introduces zero overhead, page latency, or CPU utilization to the web server
  • Introduces zero risk of failure to the web application - monitored/captured traffic is not part of the active traffic
  • Supports any web application environment: homogenous or mixed, packaged, or custom
  • Supports encrypted (HTTPS) and non-encrypted (HTTP) traffic
  • Supports deployment into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud-based environment
  • Reconstructs the HTTP traffic of the user experience for downstream processing of user sessions and events

To capture requests and responses of your website's traffic, the HCL Discover Network Capture Application requires high-quality data source that is provided over a reliable network.