Start DNCA

About this task

After the DNCA rpm installation is completed, the first start of the DNCA must be completed as root user. Using this user allows the DNCA to set several system kernel variables by using the sysctl cmd, which is available as root only.

Note: The dncauser user is created without a password that is assigned to it, so you cannot log in with that account by default. Security risks are minimal; the dncauser user can start and own the Discover processes. Depending on your enterprise security requirements, you can assign a password to the dncauser user from the root user.

sysctl cmd is run in the main Discover script. After you log in as root user, the following command starts the HCL Discover Network Capture Application:

./discover start

After the DNCA is started for the first time, you can then run the script as a non-root user dncauser each successive time. To run as dncauser user:


  1. Stop the DNCA, run cmd:
    ./discover stop
  2. Change to dncauser user:
    su dncauser
  3. Start the DNCA as dncauser user:
    ./discover start


Note: After you start the DNCA as root, you can also restart the DNCA machineto run as dncauser user.