Logging for the Network Capture Application

The HCL Discover Network Capture Application uses the following logs.

DNCA logs

The following log files can be used to troubleshoot.

Table 1. DNCA log descriptions
Log file name Description
capture.log DNCA core software message log, including error and startup messages.
  • This log is rolled regularly, depending on its file size.
  • syslog is used for message generation. Other logs use native generation methods.
conf_changelog.log DNCA configuration change log. Changes to dcx-conf.xml configuration file.
statistics_YYYYMMDD.log Minute-by-minute snapshot of DNCA statistics. This log is rolled daily.
maintenance_YYYYMMDD.log DNCA health monitoring and time-sync messages. This log is rolled daily.
privacy_changelog.log Change logon privacy configuration that is applied through the DNCA.

Apache server logs

The following log files can be used to troubleshoot the DNCA web console that is hosted by Apache server.

Table 2. Apache server log descriptions
Log file name Description
access_log Apache operation error messages.
ssl_engine_log Apache SSL operation messages.
ssl_request_log Apache SSL request URLs.