How do I remove Diffie Hellman cipher from web server SSL cipher list

Diffie-Hellman is a type of SSL encryption cipher. It is designed for third parties, which are systems other than the two parties at the two endpoints of a conversation, cannot decrypt the communications traffic. A user session that is established with a web server by using this cipher cannot be captured by using the HCL Discover Network Capture Application.

Discover provides the following instructions to our customers on how to disable the Diffie-Hellman negotiation on their Web servers, if they choose to do so.

Note: If the web server infrastructure includes an SSL termination or acceleration device further upstream closer to the visitor's web browser than the point at which the Discover HCL Discover Network Capture Application server (DNCA server) is monitoring the traffic, then the DNCA server can see all the traffic as non-SSL cleartext, even if Diffie-Hellman is applied. In this situation, the following solution does not apply. The SSL terminating device is free to negotiate Diffie-Hellman with the visitor's browser. It is because the DNCA server is downstream of the encrypted traffic and does not have to do any decryption.