Edit Filters

About this task

In Edit Filters view, you can edit ports and port ranges to filter the data sent to each instance of the DNCA. You can use this view to verify that all required port ranges are properly specified across all instances of the HCL Discover Network Capture Application.

  • You can also specify data filters in the View Instances view. See Filter Rules.

By default, the Edit Filters view enables specification of up to two individual ports for which to send data to an individual DNCA.

  • To specify a range of ports, click the Port Range check box. The data that is displayed in the port check box becomes a starting and ending range for capture and forwarding.
  • To add a row, click the Add Row link. The new row is inserted.
  • To remove a data filter row, click the Delete Row link.

To specify a data filter:


  1. From the Instance column, select the DNCA instance identifier to which the filter applies. All data that is captured from the specified server and ports is forwarded to the selected instance.
  2. In the Address column, enter the IP address of the server that is providing the data.
    Note: Host names are not accepted.
  3. Enter the ports to capture:
    • If Port Range is not selected, you can specify up to two ports to capture from the specified address.
    • If Port Range is selected, you can specify a Start Port and End Port in the two textboxes. These entries indicate a range of ports, inclusive, that are forwarded to the selected DNCA instance for capture.