Deliver Statistics Hits

About this task

Optionally, the DNCA can be configured to deliver statistical information to the Processing Server for insertion into the DC_STATISTICS database for reporting through the Portal.

  • Along with statistics from the Canister and the Extended Decoupler session agent, the DNCA statistics hits are reported in the System Statistics page. See "System Statistics" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.


  1. Click the DNCA Web Console - Delivery Tab.
  2. In the Deliver Statistics to Discover Transport Service area, configure the following options:
    1. To enable delivery, click the Enabled check box.
    2. Enter the host name or Address of the delivery peer that is to receive the statistics hits.
      Note: Typically, statistics hits are sent to the same delivery peer that receives captured hits, as defined.
    3. Specify an interval in seconds at which to send hits.
    4. Enter a Port number to which the delivery peer listens. By default, this value is 1966.
    5. To use secure transport, click the Use SSL check box.
