Configuring error logging in the file

You can set parameters in the file to control error logging levels and other aspects of LTS logging.

About this task

The SessionArchivingServer.log that is written to Discover_Home\Logs\SessionArchiving\SessionArchivingServer.log contains ALL LTS application specific exceptions and information errors.

Use the information here to learn how to configure error logging in the file.


  1. Open the file.

    The is located in the HCL Discover install directory. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\Unica Discover\ApacheTomcat\webapps\SessionArchivingServer.war\WEB-INF\classes\

  2. Set the LOG_LEVEL property to ERROR (the default) or INFO.

    If you set LOG_LEVEL to ERROR, error events (even those that do not halt processing) are logged.

    If you set LOG_LEVEL to INFO, informational messages related to the status and progress of LTS processing are logged. Error logs are written as well.

  3. Set the LOG_MAXFILESIZE property to indicate the size of the log file.

    The default value for LOG_MAXFILESIZE is 25MB.

    If you change LOG_MAXFILESIZE, you must include the size suffix. Valid suffixes are:
    • KB for kilobyte.
    • MB for megabyte.
    • GB for gigabyte.
  4. Set the LOG_MAX_FILEBACKUP_INDEX to specify the number of times the log file is to be backed up when it reaches the allowed maximum size.

    By default, log files are backed up 10 times.

    As an example, using the default value of LOG_MAX_FILEBACKUP_INDEX = 10, for up to 10 times, each time the log file reaches the specified maximum size, it is backed up. On the 11th time, the first log file is erased and thereafter, all the logging information will be rolled back from that first log file.