LTS exception error logs

You can troubleshoot LTS exception errors by analyzing the contents of 2 log files.

If the LTSServer fails to fetch the resources it needs to generate a long-term storage (.lts) file, the web server throws an exception and writes error information to the LTSGenerationErrors.log file.

The LTSGenerationErrors.log is contained in the same zip file as the .lts file and can be linked to from the PDF of the .lts file.

The same log file is also a part of zipped .lts file. This approach ensures that the log files are always pinned to the .lts files, even when they are extracted and saved to the disk.

Note: The LTSGenerationErrors.log that is attached to PDF is generated only when the web server from which LTSServer tries to fetch static resources returns an error (i.e., HTTP static codes like 404 and 503. Where as, the SessionArchivingServer.log that is written to Discover_Home\Logs\SessionArchiving\SessionArchivingServer.log contains ALL LTS application specific exceptions and information errors.

Additionally, HCL Discover maintains an SessionArchivingServer.log file in the HCL Discover installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Unica\Discover_Home\Logs\SessionArchiving\SessionArchivingServer.log).

The SessionArchivingServer.log file includes both information and error messages that are thrown by the LTSServer that occur when receiving a request to save the pdf or the long-term storage (.lts) files.