Error Message: Invalid HTTP response status 401

You need to determine why the error message, Search Server, invalid HTTP response status 401 has occurred.

About this task

When running HCL Discover Session Archiving data extractor jobs, you may see errors similar to the following:

9/29/2009 12:23:36 PM | Reading event definitions ... 
9/29/2009 12:23:36 PM | Search server error (HQA:19000): 
SearchServerCS.TalkToRealSearchServer(): Invalid HTTP response status 401 
at Discover.SearchServer.RealSearchServer.RealCommunicate(String command, 
ArrayList args, Int32 timeout) 
at Discover.SearchServer.DCSearchServer.GetEventListMS(Boolean log, Int32 
9/29/2009 12:23:36 PM | Trying to get event list from search server 

The HCL Discover Session Archiving is attempting to run the data extraction task as the local system administrator account. Under NT authentication, it is recommended that the DataExtractor use a local non-system account.


  1. Review the logs to verify the NT user being used to connect. You should see an entry like the following:
    9/29/2009 12:23:35 PM | NtAuthorization server: HQA:19000, user: 
  2. The above indicates that a local system admin account user is in use: NT_AUTH\SYSTEM.
  3. Change the account to use:
    1. On the server, open the Windows Services Control Panel.
    2. In the list of services, double-click Discover Extractor Service.
    3. Click the Log On tab.
    4. Click This Account.
    5. Specify the account to use.
    6. Click OK.
  4. In the Domain controller, verify that the above user is part of the Admin group for the domain, which ensures that the user has access to the other servers in the domain.
  5. In the Discover Portal, add the above account to the HCL Discover Admin group.
    1. In the Portal menu, select Discover > Portal Management.
    2. In the Portal Management page, click the HCL Discover User Administration heading.
    3. Click the Groups link.
    4. Select Admin Group.
    5. Click Assign Users.
    6. Select a check box next to the above user.
    7. Click Save.
  6. Restart all Discover Services.