Searching through the Portal

Through the Discover Portal, you can search for and replay sessions from bots.

About this task


  1. In the Portal, select Search > Completed Sessions.
  2. In the Search Fields panel, remove all default options.
  3. In the Basic Search Fields panel, click Event.
  4. In the Event Values area, click <Select an event. Select an event that contains the Traffic Type dimension.
  5. In the Event Values area, click <Any Dimension. Select Traffic Type.
  6. In the Search Scope drop-down, select OR - Any Session.
  7. Specify the other parameters of your search.
  8. To begin the search, click Search.


To replay a found search, click the results. Then, click the Replay icon for a specific session.

  • To replay through Browser-Based Replay, click Browser. See "Browser Based Replay" in the HCL Discover Manuals.