Discover Management System

The Discover Management System (Manage Services) centralizes configuration management for Discover systems on Windows-based hosts.

In many customer environments, the Discover solution is deployed across multiple servers, which may be spread across multiple data centers with varying access permissions and security requirements. As a result, applying configuration changes across the Discover solution can be problematic, if you do not use Manage Services. Through a central configuration interface, the Discover Management System enables the following Discover configuration features:

  • Security: Manage Services eliminates the need to have operating system-level access to Discover machines for supported configuration changes.
  • Visibility: Through Manage Services, you can review the services, settings, and pipelines available on each server where Discover software is installed.
  • Complexity and Scaling: Through the central interface, you can easily apply configurations across multiple servers, including ones that have been added after base installation of the solution.
  • Updates: As needed, you can use the Advanced features of Manage Services to get and put files within the Discover install directory on individual servers.
  • Data Segmentation: Through Manage Services, you can configure access to session data through user groups.
    • Data Segmentation is managed through Search Server configuration within Manage Services. See "Configuring the Search Server" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.

For information about accessing Manage Services, see HCL Discover Configuration Manual.