Adding Values for Reporting

For reporting purposes, Discover provides the Traffic Type dimension, which can be used to segment your reports based on the type of user agent. It pulls values from the Traffic Type system hit attribute.

To create reports that operate on the data presented by BrowsCap, you must acquire the captured values and store them in dimensions you create.

The best method for capturing this data is to create dimensions to store it, if necessary. When you enable logging on those dimensions, you can later download the dimension values, normalize them as needed, in a text file. This file can then be imported as a whitelist set of values back to the dimension through the Discover Event Manager.

  • See "User Agent Tools" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  • These values can then be added to dimensions you create in the Event Manager. See "Manage Events - Dimensions Tab" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.