Using Selective Deletion

To use the SelectiveDeletion tool, perform the following steps:


  1. To use the SelectiveDeletion tool, navigate to the Discover folder and access SelectiveDeletion.exe.
    The Discover - Selective Deletion application opens.
  2. Select SelectiveDeletion > Options.
    The Options dialog opens.
  3. If you want to delete sessions from a Search Server, provide the following values:
    • Master Search Server
    • Temporary Directory
    • Audit Log Directory
    • Timezone
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Select SelectiveDeletion > Search Completed Sessions.
    The Search Completed Sessions dialog opens.
  6. Click Setup.
    1. Click Connect to Search Server.
      The Connect to Search Server dialog appears.
    2. Select the required Search Server Name on which you want to perform the selective deletion. The Search Server names can be a host name, a localhost, or an IP address.
    3. Click OK.
      The Search Builder tab in the Search Completed Sessions dialog appears.
    4. Use the following parameters to filter the search:
      • Session Facts - Filter the results based on the various Session Info parameters. For example, select Session Index.
      • Hit Counts - Filter the results based on the number of Hit Counts.
      • Date Filter - Filter the resuts based on from and to date and time.
    5. Use the Binding for all the filters. Options include And and Or.
    6. If required, you can access the Advanced Search tab and use the parameters to build a custom search.
  7. Click Search.
    A list of all the sessions, matching the provided criteria, appears.
  8. Right-click the sessionIndex you want to delete and click Delete.
    Note: Make a note of the sessionIndex number as you will need if for cofirming the deletion.
    A Confirm Delete dialog appears. Click OK.
  9. To verify if the deletion is successful, complete the following steps in the HCL Discover application:
    1. Log in to the HCL Discover application.
    2. Navigate to Sessions > Search Completed.
      The Completed Session Search page appears.
    3. Navigate to Session Info > Session Index
    4. Type in the Session Index number that you deleted in Step 9.
      You will see a dialog that the session was not found.