New Features in 12.1.12

The following list contains the new features or changes in functionalities made to HCL Discover in version 12.1.12.

Feature Description
Support for Okta Authentication HCL Discover supports Okta authentication for customers who wish to use Okta instead of Microsoft Windows NT Authentication. Okta is a third-party software that secures connections between users and the applications. It is a service that gives users secure access to the applications that they use.

In version 12.1.12, Okta is implemented as a SAML 2.0 authentication for Portal.

Replay enhancements in support of "co-browsing" UI SDK functionality Enhanced the UI SDK to allow for "co-browsing", which when enabled updates the UI SDK setting to change the capture parameters for more regular posts of data.
  • Added a feature to 12.1.11 UIC that tags the headers of co-browse posts from the UIC with dcxtoken so the data can be easily copied to the co-browse canister.
  • Added cobrowse=true to the cxConnect VOC link to notify Replay that the session is an active co-browse session.
Screenshot Replay for Native Mobile SDK Added a feature to capture native mobile sessions and replay them to understand customer experience better.