Known Issues

The following are the Known Issues in the 12.1.12 version of Unica Discover:

Table 1. Known Issues in 12.1.12
Issue ID Description
HMA-367206 In Portal API, Okta users cannot log in using their credentials.
HMA-367200 For Okta users, replay and other links are not working if user is not already logged in the browser.
HMA-367113 On Google Chrome browser v124+, DNCA is not processing sessions.
HMA-367080 For Okta authentication, non-SSL mode does not work on Google Chrome browser and Microsoft Edge browser. Non-SSL mode works only on Mozilla Firefox browser.
HMA-363914 UAParser changes around event addition and Dimension modifications do not get updated automatically.

Workaround: Apply the changes using the batch file provided in the Discover Upgrader ZIP file. The instructions are available in the Readme file.

HMA-362168 In case of Selective Archive Trim job, index folders are not getting updated or cleaned as per the expired Offline Date set for DAT files.
HMA-361197 When replaying sesisons from a Report Session List, New Event Based Replay is not available.
HMA-360066 Server entry is not getting deleted even after being deleted from DMS options.


Manually delete the required server entries from:

  • the registry
  • the ArchiveConfig.exe from the Discover root folder
HMA-354816 In Session Archiving Server, for the Archive task feature, the following error appears for Extended log:
Trim Archive: 'errorMsg="File not Found"'
HMA-354699 In Selective Archive Search server, Jobs are not being displayed in the Job queue, even if you have scheduled multiple Jobs.
HMA-353203 Event tester, intermittently, shows all 0s (zeros).
HMA-347705 In Report Builder, if you select the Report Type as "Card" and export the report, you will see data issues on all formats of exported file type.
HMA-346391 If you take snapshots for an HTML 5 site using a browser snapshot extension, you will see the following issues with metrics under various analytics:
  • Link Analytics

    The message No data available appears for the following metrics:

    • Avg hover time
    • Avg hover to click time
  • Comparison Analytics

    Portal UI is stuck in loading mode for the following metrics:

    • Avg hover time
    • Avg hover to click time

    Filter or Segment field does not work.

  • Form, Link, and Heat Map Analytics

    Filter option does not work.

  • Replay screen
    • All earlier mentioned issues are applicable for the Replay screen.
    • Link Analytics data is not visible for all metrics on the displayed page.
  • Some issues with Attention Map Analytics.
HMA-345521 Within the Canister server configuration, the Event Bus configuration option does not appear even if you select the Enable Event Bus checkbox.
HMA-345013 In an Azure cloud environment, on the Portal, CEP custom fields for config link are not visible.


If the CEP fields are not appearing on the UI, update it manually by performing the following steps:
  1. Stop the DMS service.
  2. Navigate to the processor pod
  3. Open the file CEPCustomFields.cfg.
  4. Modify the contents and save the file.
  5. Start the DMS Service.
HMA-337740 Data is not moving in Discover ST1 and Discover ST2 pipelines having StatsLogger and PAStatsLogger respectively.
HMA-334084 For the Docker setup, the Rules feature is missing from Manage Server > Replay Server.

Workaround: Select the master checkbox and Save it to make the Rules button visible.

HMA-334368 Data Export and Session Archiving jobs are lost from the Scheduled Tasks tab.

Workaround: Before upgrade, back up the file ScheduleList.bin from the location <Install Path>/DataExtractor/ and post upgrade restore the file to the same location.

HMA-325998 Multiple issues with NT login, like:
  • Error message is partially displayed.
  • Splash screen is intermittently displayed.
  • NT login user cannot log in to Swagger.
and other issues.
HMA-325839 On the Docker setup, user needs to click Start twice to begin capture on the DNCA web console.
HMA-324329 Some old branding references still exist in Windows logs.
HMA-323783 For non-English locales, all options are not visible under Manage Events.

Workaround: Collapse the left pane to view all the buttons.

HMA-323214 The property Login Page Language (Global) is not working for Scorecard users. If you set the property Login Page Language (Global) to a locale, only the login screen should be translated to the set locale. Currently, after login, all UI screens are translated to the set locale.