Reconfigure Search Templates

The HCL Discover Search database enables the capture of session attributes and storage of them in the Search database for immediate search access.

Note: If you are upgrading to the current release and you configured HCL Discover search templates to access the search database, these search templates need to be reconfigured after upgrade, as the method of populating them changed.

During the upgrade process, HCL Discover search templates might have some search fields that are removed from them. If you captured screen capture as recommended of your HCL Discover search template fields before upgrade, you may now re-create these fields in the upgraded HCL Discover search templates.

Note: You should load each HCL Discover search template field and save it again, which may prevent issues in the Search page.
Note: You should also verify that all upgraded search templates are still of the same type: HCL Discover or HCL Discover.
  • See "Configuring Session Attribute Search" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  • See "Configuring Search Templates" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  • For more information about the pre-upgrade steps, see Preparing to Upgrade to the Current Release.