Check for Active Sessions

About this task

If all Discover services successfully restarted, you can verify capture of session data through the Portal.


  1. In the Portal menu, select Active > Sessions.
  2. Verify that a non-zero number of sessions is displayed.
  3. If no sessions are displayed, you can verify the state of your Windows pipelines. From the Portal menu, select Discover > Manage Services.
  4. The Manage Services is displayed. See "Manage Services" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  5. Click the Pipeline Status tab.
  6. You can verify that non-zero numbers of hits are being processed by your operational pipelines.
    • See "Manage Services Pipeline Status Tab" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  7. If no hits are entering the pipeline, there may be an issue in the HCL Discover Network Capture Application.
    • The DNCA may not capture enabled. See "DNCA Web Console - Console Tab" in the HCL Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
    • The DNCA may not be configured to deliver hits to the appropriate Transport Service. See "DNCA Web Console - Delivery Tab" in the Discover Network Capture Application Manual.