Other configuration

The following configuration options may also be useful in determining how to manage auto-creation of Anomaly Detections.

Enabling calculation

In the Data Collector settings, the Anomaly Detection setting must be enabled in order for Anomaly Detections to be calculated at all.

  • See "Settings" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.


In the Data Collector settings, the Anomaly Detections - Number of Threads used for calculations setting determines the number of threads that are used by the Data Collector to compute Anomaly Detection calculations.

  • By default, this setting is set to 4.
  • You can increase the number of threads, which improves the speed of the Data Collector that is run for a set of Anomaly Detection calculations.
  • However, using more threads consumes extra system resources, which may affect system performance.
  • This setting is applied to both hourly and daily Anomaly Detection calculation runs.

See "Discover Settings" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.


As needed, you can configure the time of day on the 24-hour clock when daily Anomaly Detection calculations run. Set the value for the Anomaly Detection - Time for Daily Calculation setting in Data Collector settings.

  • By default, this time is scheduled for 4:30 in the morning according to the Discover system time zone.
  • See "Settings" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
  • For more information about the system time zone, see "Configuring the System Timezone" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.