Creating an Anomaly Detection

An anomaly detection is a stored calculation of deviations in the values of events, dimensions, or ratios. Using the recorded values and counts of the event or dimension, deviations are calculated based on the configured rolling window.

About this task

The creation and reporting on Hourly anomaly detections, and dimension anomaly detections, is an enhancement that is associated with HCL Discover.

Since anomaly detections are directly tied to an event, you cannot edit a anomaly detection.

You may add multiple anomaly detections at the same time.


  1. Click New Anomaly Detection.
  2. Select how frequently to calculate the anomaly detection:
    • Daily
    • Hourly
  3. Select the item whose movement you want to calculate. You may select one or more events or dimensions.
    • To view the list by event label, click the View by Labels check box.
    • To display all active and inactive events, clear the Filter textbox and click the Show All Events check box.
    • To filter the list of events, start typing text in the Filter textbox.
  4. Optional: Expand event nodes to display and select the dimensions for which to calculate anomaly detections.
  5. To save your anomaly detection as a draft, click Save Draft. Saving a draft saves the item to the session cache on the server. Changes must be committed before they are applied to the incoming session data.