Uses for session attributes

The session attributes that you define can be used in the following areas of Discover.

Discover Feature
Description of Usage
Event conditions
Session attributes can be used as conditions to trigger other events. You may configure the test to detect for the presence of the session attribute or for specific values.
Event values
Session attributes can be used to store event values that persist throughout the session. You may configure the event to populate a session attribute.
Search Templates
Discover administrators can configure search templates to include fields for searching for the existence of a session attribute or for specific values of a variable.
  • Search templates can be made available to users to help the configuration of search parameters. See "Configuring Search Templates" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
Session List Templates
When a session search runs, the results are displayed in a session list template. You may configure session list templates to display one or more session attributes as columnar fields. See "Configuring Search Templates" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.
If the selected Active, Completed, or All Sessions search template includes the session attribute as one of the search fields, you can search for the existence or for specific values of the session attribute.
Note: Depending on the trigger of its populating event, a session attribute may not be available in a search template, even if you configure it. For example, if the session attribute is populated by an event that is triggered by End of Session, it is possible to add the session attribute as a field to an Active search template, even though the field is not yet populated for active sessions.
  • See "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Data Export
Through a session list template that was configured to include one or more session attributes, you can export session data for use by third-party tools.
Note: The value reported in the session list template is always the last recorded value in the session. If you need to export all detected values of a session attribute, you must install and deploy HCL Discover Data Export. See "Data Export for Data Analysis Administration Manual" in the HCL Discover Data Export for Data Analysis Administration Manual.
  • For more information about data export through the session list, see "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
You can replay sessions through the session list. When you have defined and executed a search that includes a session attribute as a criterion for display in a session list template that includes the criterion, you can find and replay a session that includes this value. See "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals. During replay, you can identify session attributes in the request. The [CanisterSummary] section of the request contains all session attributes that have been detected up to the point of the page. See "Configuring the Indexing" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.
Session attributes can be configured to appear in reports after dimensions have been designed to be populated by them. An event must be configured to be triggered based upon the existence of a session attribute and to populate a dimension with its detected value. See Manage Events - Events tab.