Creating session attributes

On the left side of the screen, you can access the available set of session attributes or filter the display to show only the session attributes of interest to you. The selection and filters that you specify are applied to the list of session attributes.

The main panel displays the list of session attributes.

Above the main pane, you can select any of the following commands.

  • To create a session attribute, click New Session Attribute. See Add or edit a session attribute.
  • To review the history of changes to the selected attribute, click Session Attribute History. See Discover Event Manager.
  • To edit an existing session attribute, double-click it. See Add or edit a session attribute.
    Note: Populated by system session attributes cannot be viewed or edited. Some detail information is available in the tooltip. See "How session attributes are populated by the system" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
  • To save changes to all objects that you drafted in the Event Manager, click Save Changes. See Discover Event Manager.