Hit attribute list

In the Hit Attribute list, you can review all of the available hit attributes for the currently selected hit attribute group.

  • To review details on the hit attribute, move the mouse over the item in the list. The tooltip is displayed.
  • To step through the list of items, press the Up or Down arrows on your keyboard.
  • To scroll through the list, press the Page Up or Page Down keys on your keyboard.
  • To select an item, click it or highlight it using keyboard navigation.
  • On the left side of the screen, you can click a hit attribute group to display a different set of related hit attributes. See Hit Attribute Groups panel.
    Note: Inactive hit attributes that are part of the current hit attribute group are only displayed if the Show Inactive check box is checked.
  • To sort the list by a column, click the column header. To sort the list in the reverse order, click the column header again.
  • A context menu is available for selected items. To see the context menu, right-click one or more items in the list. See Hit Attribute list context menu.
  • To select multiple items in the list, press SHIFT or CTRL and select the items.
  • Items are highlighted in the list based on the current edit state of the item. See Manage Events - Events tab.
When a check mark is present, the hit attribute is active and available for use.
The user-friendly name of the hit attribute
The description of the hit attribute, as provided in the hit attribute definition
Search In
The data in which to search: Request or Response
Start Tag
The starting tag of the data with which to match
End Tag
The ending tag of the data with which to match
Timestamp of when the hit attribute was last modified

Hit Attribute list context menu

When you right-click a hit attribute in the Hit Attribute List, the following commands are available:

Edit Hit Attribute...
Edit the selected hit attribute. See Creating or editing a hit attribute.
Create Dimension Using hit attribute...
Create a new dimension using the selected hit attribute as the source data for the dimension. See Manage Events - Dimensions Tab.
Show Dependent Items
Displays a list of items that depend on this hit attribute. See Discover Event Manager.
Hit Attribute History
Review the history of changes to the hit attribute definition. See Hit attribute history.
Make Inactive
Make the selected hit attribute inactive.
  • If the attribute includes a start tag, an end tag, or both, it can be disabled.
  • If the attribute does not include tags, it is used by the Canister and cannot be disabled.
    Note: You cannot make a hit attribute inactive if events are dependent on it. To make a hit attribute inactive, you must remove all dependencies from it first.
Delete a hit attribute. Before the delete is permitted, you must remove the dependencies between the hit attribute and other event-related objects.
Note: Deleting an object removes it from the server. A deleted object cannot be restored.
  • Dependency checks on reports, scorecards, and dashboards that may use the hit attribute are not checked.
  • You cannot delete System Hit Attributes attributes.
Revert the changes to the hit attribute that were not committed to the version stored on the server. See Discover Event Manager.
Export Item
Mark item for inclusion in the next export. Items can be exported through the Export tab in the Event Manager. See Manage Events - Import-Export Tabs.

Filtering the hit attribute list

From the drop-down at the top of the Hit Attribute list, you can filter the types of hit attributes to display in the list.

All Hit Attributes
Display hit attributes of all types
Start Tag/End Tag Hit Attributes
Display only hit attributes that use start and end tags to specify the pattern to capture
Text Pattern Hit Attributes
Display only hit attributes that are specified with a start tag only. These patterns explicitly search for the value that is specified in the start tag.
System Hit Attributes
Display only the hit attributes provided by Discover.
Step Attributes
Display only the step attributes.
  • Step attributes are created to locate values in JSON messages that are submitted from Discover's client-side frameworks. See "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.