Creating or editing a hit attribute

You can create or edit hit attributes through the Hit Attribute tab.

  • To create hit attribute, click New Hit Attribute.
  • To edit an existing hit attribute, right-click it in the Hit Attributes list and select Edit Hit Attribute....
    Note: Hit Attributes that are part of the System Hit Attributes and System Step Attributes groups are provided by Discover. These hit attributes can be reviewed through the Discover Event Manager, but you cannot change the hit attribute. You may create a copy of them as needed.
    Note: If you create hit attributes from the request buffer, note that the [HitType] section and [TLFID_*] sections (where * is the identifier for the fact) are generated by the event engine and cannot be detected in live sessions. As a result, any events using these hit attributes do not fire in the Windowsâ„¢ pipeline and are therefore not available for searching. They do fire, however, when they are evaluated in the Event Tester on sessions that already passed through the Canister.
  • To save a draft of your new hit attribute, click Save Draft.
    • If your hit attribute contains a regular expression, it is validated before the hit attribute is saved.
      Note: Saving a draft saves the item to the session cache on the server. Changes must be committed before they are applied to the incoming session data. See Discover Event Manager.
  • To cancel your new hit attribute, click Cancel.

The following properties are available:

Note: The maximum length for selected values of text for step attributes, hit attributes, and events is 256 characters.
The user-friendly name of the hit attribute
The description of the hit attribute
Click this check box to make the hit attribute active and available for use.
From the drop-down, select the hit attribute group to which to assign the hit attribute.
Search in
The data in which to search: Request or Response
Use Start Tag/End Tag
When selected, the start tag and end tag values are used to determine the beginning and ending of the pattern text with which to match.
Use Text Pattern
When selected, the start tag identifies the pattern to find in the text. The end tag is not used.
Note: Hit attributes that use this option cannot be used as the source data for a dimension, since the value for these dimensions would be always the text pattern value.
Use Step Pattern
When selected, you can specify for the step attribute the location of the source data as a path to the JSON message node. The source node is specified as the Start Tag, and the End Tag is left blank.
  • Values that are captured by step attributes are always treated as text patterns, even if they are numeric or Boolean values.
  • It is easier to create step attributes from the context menu within Request View in Browser-Based Replay.
  • For more information about step attributes, see "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
Start Tag
The starting tag of the data with which to match. See Hit attribute limits.
End Tag
The ending tag of the data with which to match. See Hit attribute limits.
Case Sensitive
Select the check box to perform case-sensitive matching of the pattern
Note: In UTF-8 charset encoding environments, such as on German-OS, start tags, and end tags cannot be defined to perform case-insensitive matching. All matches must be defined as case-sensitive.
All Matches
Select the check box to return matches for all matches in the searched data. Use this option if you anticipate using the hit attribute to count the number of occurrences of it on the page or want to sum all instances of a numeric hit attribute on the page.
  • If this check box is not selected, only the first match is returned.
    Note: Deselecting All Matches is effectively an override of configuration that is made for the event. For example, if All Matches is not checked and the hit attribute is used in the Condition step or Value step of an event, the hit attribute provides only one value to the event, even if you selected to use the last value.
The type of encoding for the buffer searched:
  • The encoding option is only active when you are searching in the response.
  • If you select request, the string is encoded in UTF-8 only.