Order of evaluation

The following triggers are listed in the order of evaluation for events.

Event triggers

  • First Hit of Session - when the session begins
  • Every Hit - when the hit is detected
    1. Every Step - when the step is detected
    2. After Every Step - when the step is detected
      • For more information about steps, see "Step-Based Eventing" in the HCL Discover Event Manager Manual.
  • After Every Hit - when the hit is unloaded
  • Last Hit - the last hit of the session
  • End of Session - when the session closes

For any event, the specified Conditions must be configured so that they can be evaluated within the selected trigger. For example, an event that is configured to fire on First Hit of Session must use conditions that can evaluate to true at the moment of evaluation of the first hit of the session. Otherwise, the event never fires. The trigger and the conditions of the event must both be true for the event to fire.

See Event dependencies by trigger.