More Options step

In the More Options step, you can configure the availability of the event occurrence and values in the Portal, replay, and to third-party consumers of the data through the Event Bus.

Display in Portal
Select this check box to make the event available for reporting purposes and display in the Portal.
  • If this setting is disabled, you can still use this event as input for a session attribute. See Manage Events - Session Attributes tab.
  • If Searchable & Reportable is disabled for this event, it cannot be displayed in the Portal. Events that are configured in this manner are building block events. See Configuration scenario - building block events.
  • This setting should be configured in conjunction with other event settings. See Configuring Portal access to Events.
  • Most Discover standard events cannot be displayed in the Portal or in session lists. For more information about session lists, see "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Display in Session List
When enabled, the icon for the event is displayed among the list of event icons in the Portal session list.
  • If this option is disabled, you can still report on the event.
  • This setting should be configured with other event settings. See Configuring Portal access to Events.
  • Most Discover standard events cannot be displayed in the Portal or in session lists.
  • For more information about session lists, see "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Flag Every Occurrence in Replay
To flag every event occurrence in replay, select the Flag Every Occurrence in Replay check box.
  • If cleared, only the Tracked Event Occurrences of the event in the session is recorded for display in the navigable page list during replay.
Send to Event Bus
To send the event and event values to the Discover Event Bus for use by third-party systems, select the Send to Event Bus check box.
  • The Discover Event Bus is a special Windowsâ„¢ pipeline for delivering event data to third-party systems configured to receive it.
  • See "Discover Event Bus" in the HCL Discover Data Export for Data Analysis Administration Manual.
Minute Data On
When enabled, this option forces the Canisters to capture event counts on a minute-to-minute basis. See Minute-level event counts.
Update Session Attribute...
Optionally, you can select or define a session attribute that is populated with values from this event. Click Select.... Choose an existing session attribute or create a new one. You cannot update system session attributes via event.
Note: In the Events tab, you may create a session attribute that is not populated by an event. However, it does not appear in the Conditions list or the Session Attribute selector until you assign an event to it. You must edit it first in the Session Attributes tab. See Manage Events - Session Attributes tab.
Note: You can select only session attributes that were populated from this list.
Update Session Timeout
To update the session timeout setting for the session when this event is triggered, click the check box. Enter a new session timeout value in minutes. See Updating session timeout.
Additional Actions
If wanted, you can select an extra action to perform when the event is triggered. See Special extra actions.
Include Event