Configuring Events to be searchable and reportable in the Portal

When the Searchable & Reportable setting was enabled, the following settings can now be configured in the Event Summary:

  • If Searchable & Reportable is disabled for an event, it cannot be displayed in the Portal, and the following settings are not available for selection. Events that are configured in this manner are considered to be building block events. See Configuration scenario - building block events.
  • Display in Portal - When this setting is enabled, the event can be displayed in the Portal in the following areas:
    1. Selectable event in the Report Builder.
    2. Selectable event and its values for which to search in the Portal.
      • See "Searching Session Data" in the Discover Manuals.
    3. Event is displayed in Browser-Based Replay.
      • For more information about replay through the Portal, see "Browser Based Replay" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
  • Display in Session List - This setting is available only if Display in Portal is enabled. When this option is selected, the icon for the event is displayed in the collection of event icons in the Events column of the session list.
    • For more information about session lists, see "Searching Session Data" in the HCL Discover Manuals.
Note: These settings do not completely control the availability of facts in the Portal. See Availability of facts in the Portal.

See Configuration scenario - standard user created events.