
The trimming process can take a long time, especially if there is a high volume of reporting data to update. It should be defined to be run during off-peak hours.

In particular, the URL (Normalized) dimension that is provided by Discover can generate a high number of values in a short period of time, and since it appears in various performance reports that are provided by Discover as well as any user-defined reports referencing the dimension, trimming of the dimension can require a great deal of updating of the report data, which is resource-intensive.

Note: Discover recommends scheduling the dimension trimming to occur as early as possible during the evening, after Discover users are no longer heavily using the system and after the Scheduling Service cycled all services.
  • An early scheduling ensures that other processes scheduled for off-peak hours, such as scorecard calculation and scheduled reports delivery, can use the most up-to-date dimension values.
  • For more information about cycling services, see "Configuring the Scheduling Service" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.
Note: While the Data Collector trims dimension values, report data is not updated from the Canisters. As a result, any scheduled reports that are configured to be run while the dimension trimming is occurring may have incomplete data. Report data is not updated until the next scheduled run of the Data Collector.

In the Data Collector setting of the HCL Discover Settings category of the Portal Management page, you may configure the following settings to define the scheduling of dimension trimming:

Dimension Trimming - Time of Day
The time of day when the Data Collector run occurs to trim dimension values.
Note: Discover recommends scheduling dimension trimming as early as possible after Discover users are no longer using the system for the day.
Dimension Trimming - Day of Week
Day of week to run the dimension trimming. This setting does not apply to daily trimming operations.
Dimension Trimming - Frequency
How often dimension trimming occurs: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

See "Discover Settings" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.