Monitoring dimension data growth over time

About this task

Periodically, you should review the Database Table Size report, which contains details on the daily and monthly growth patterns of dimension data.

Note: Immediately after installation or configuring a Whitelist + Observed Values, Discover recommends reviewing this report on a daily basis. Over time, you may lengthen the period between review.


  1. From the Portal menu, select Discover > System Status > Database Table Size.
  2. From the drop-down, select Dimension.
  3. Set Focus Period to an appropriate date range.
  4. Download report.
  5. Load into Excel.
  6. Sort by the Daily growth, Monthly growth, or row count column to identify the fastest-growing or largest dimensions.
  7. Based on the values for specific dimension tables, you can determine whether configuration changes must be made to the dimension.
    • The tables of interest are listed as TD_DIMENSION_XXX, where XXX is a numeric identifier.
      Note: The _LOG table references indicate dimensions that have logging enabled to capture detected values.


See "System Status" in the HCL Discover Administration Manual.