

  1. If functions such as session search or TMS do not work correctly after enabling TLS, first double check that TLS has been enabled on all servers by checking for the registry key. It is set to 1 when enabled.
    HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HCL Discover\EnableTLS = 1
  2. Double check that the certificate pair is present in the hidden directory, on all servers. If possible, reboot all Windows servers to ensure the SSL cache is cleared. If a reboot is not possible, try the following steps:
    1. Click the Clear SSL State button on the Content tab in the Internet Options dialog box, accessible from the Control Panel or from Internet Explorer.
    2. Restart the "Cryptographic Services" Windows service.
    If this still does not resolve the problem, disable TLS and restart the Discover services once more to return the environment to its earlier state and hopefully restore normal functionning whilst giving time to investigate the problem further by examining the logs.
  3. To disable TLS either set the registry key above to 0, or perform the following steps:
    1. Open a command prompt (cmd).
    2. Change directory (cd) to <Discover Installation Directory>\Tools\.
    3. Run the command DCSTool.exe disable.


Data Service Logs

The Data Service log shows whether TLS is currently in effect, which may be useful during troubleshooting.

<Discover Installation Directory>\Logs\TLDataService_<date>.log

The service initialization messages, shortly after service startup, indicate whether the service is using "Port" or "TLS Port".

Example where TLS is not enabled:

2017-08-15T13:35:01 	Service.Start 	INFO 	Starting HTTP Server
2017-08-15T13:35:01	 Service.Start	 INFO	 Port: 23000
2017-08-15T13:35:02	 Service.Start	 INFO	 HTTP Server Started

Example where TLS is enabled:

2017-08-15T13:31:27	Service.Start	INFO	Starting HTTP Server
2017-08-15T13:31:27	Service.Start	INFO	TLS Port: 23000
2017-08-15T13:31:27	Service.Start	INFO	HTTP Server Started