Installing .NET framework

In order to run HCL Discover Portal, you must install Microsoft .NET framework and ASP.NET

Before you begin

HCL Discover requires version 4.5 of .NET framework.

Before installing .NET framework:
  • Make sure you have access to Windows Server documentation and the Microsoft Developer Network web site.

    Microsoft Developer Network web site provides articles that help users install, configure, administer and use Microsoft products.

  • Search the Microsoft Developer Network for articles and help on how to determine what version of .NET framework is currently installed.
  • Make sure you have installed IIS.

About this task

There can be variations in the installation procedure for .NET and ASP.NET based the version of Windows Server you are running. Also, Microsoft provides more than one way to install .NET and register it for use. For example, you can install and register .NET framework via a command-line or by using the Server Manager interface to add the required .NET and ASP.NET features. Consult your Microsoft documentation and technical resources to determine which installation procedure suits your Windows Server configuration.

This procedure provides general guidelines only for installing .NET Framework and enabling the role-based functions required by HCL Discover components and your SQL Server installation.


  1. Determine what version of the .NET framework is installed on Windows Server.

    Search the Microsoft Developer Network web site for articles on how to determine your .NET framework version.

    If the installed version of .NET framework and ASP.NET does not meet the version level required by HCL Discover , then you must install the required version.

  2. Install the .NET framework
    There are multiple methods for installing the .NET framework:
    • You can install .NET framework using the Server Manager Interface
    • You can install .NET framework using PowerShell

    Search the Microsoft Developer Network for articles to determine which is installation method is best for your site.

  3. Add the following features to the Application Development role:
    • ASP.NET 4.5
    • .NET Extensibility 4.5
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters

    You can use the Windows Server Add Roles and Features wizard to add features to the Application Development role. For information on how to add roles and features, see the Windows Server documentation or articles on MSDN.

What to do next

You now need to register IIS.