Preparing the domain

You must perform several tasks to prepare the domain.


  1. Set up a local user account

    Set up a local user account called Discover with local administrator rights on the HCL Discover Server box.

    This local Discover user runs HCL Discover processes and services.

    Adding the Discover user on the HCL Discover box eliminates issues with password changes that may arise from using a domain administrator's or the main local administrator's account and password.

  2. Configure virus scanning software

    Exclude HCL Discover directories from Real Time File Protection. This eliminates possibility of the antivirus software interfering with the operation of HCL Discover software.

    At a minimum, configure the virus scan to not include the directories in which HCL Discover creates and opens files in locked exclusive mode. These directories include the:
    • Canister
    • Indexes
    • Spool
    • Logs
    The locations for these directories are determined when you install the software. To find out the actual location of these directories after an installation:
    • HCL Discover install directory:
    • Canister: View the file

      The Canister directory is specified in Local Directory.

    • Logs: Typically, HCL Discover components write logs to the Logs directory.
    • Indexes:
      By default this directory is located at:
    • Spool:

      Log File directories are specified in DiscoverCaptureSocket.cfg file in the HCL Discover install directory. The location is specified in the <SpoolDir> property value

    • Decouple:

      Log File directories are specified in DiscoverCaptureSocket.cfg file in the HCL Discover install directory. The location is specified in the <LogDir> property value.

      • If this value is commented out or unspecified, the directory defaults to the Logs directory inside the Discover install directory.
    • Backup:
      The Backup directories are specified in the <BackupDirectory> property in the following file:
  3. Disable the following services on the HCL Discover server to improve system performance:
    • NNTP
    • FTP
    • SMTP Relay
    • Disk Indexing