Installing ELK using the RPM file

Perform the following steps to install the ELK RPM:


  1. Locate the file discoverELKIntegration-nn.n.n-1.el8.x86_64.rpm, where:
    • nn.n.n is the version of HCL Discover. For example, 12.1.12.
  2. Run the following comand to install ELK:
    yum install discoverELKIntegration-nn.n.n-1.el8.x86_64
    • nn.n.n is the version of HCL Discover. For example, 12.1.12.
    A log file,, is generated, upon completion of nstallation, which tracks the RPM installation progress. In the file, is the date and time stamp.

    To debug any issues with installation, access the log files from the /tmp location.

    The following lines, in the file, indicates successful completion of installation:

    Elasticsearch Service is Running
    Discover ELK Integration Installation Ends at : 2021.07.16-02.06.24

    In the file, is the date and time stamp.

  3. After completing the installation, restart the elastic search with the following command:
    systemctl restart elasticsearch
    Other commands include:
    • systemctl stop elasticsearch: Stopping elastic search.
    • systemctl start elasticsearch: Starting elastic search.
    • systemctl status elasticsearch: Viewing the status of elastic search.
  4. To verify if ELK is up and running, open the URL <server-ip-address>:5601/app/discover#. This loads the default Kibana dashboards.