Populating Ports

About this task

Note: The use of port ranges to segment your captured traffic is considered an advanced feature and must be specified only during initial configuration of the HCL Discover Network Capture Application.

To begin, you can auto-populate the port ranges that are directed to each instance of the DNCA. All port ranges from 1024 and above are evenly split between the DNCA instances. For example, if you have three DNCA instances, each DNCA receives traffic from an equal number of ports, which equates to the following ports:

(65,536 - 1024) / 3 = 21,504 ports/instance
Note: Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 65,535. Port numbers below 1024 are reserved.
Note: Populating the ports removes all other listen filters from each instance of the DNCA.


  1. To populate the port ranges, click Populate Ports.
  2. Port ranges are populated across all available instances of the DNCA. Save your changes.
  3. A restart of the DNCA is required.


After you populated the ports, you must monitor the traffic loading that is sent to each instance. For example, suppose your web server is delivering HTTP responses on port 8080. Then the DNCA instance that is receiving this traffic can be running hot, while others are lightly used.

Current Hits Per Second statistics are reported on the Summary tab, with each DNCA instance reported under a separate ID value.

  • SSL Hits/sec rate is reported in the Reassd Hits SSL column.
  • Non-SSL Hits/sec rate is reported in the Reassd Hits Non-SSL column.

See DNCA Web Console - Summary Tab.