Configuration using runtime.conf

Configuration settings that are related to the HCL DiscoverNetwork Capture Application are available through the DNCA Web Console or, if needed, the dcx-conf.xml.

About this task

Configuration settings that apply to how the DNCA interacts with the operating system are specified in two files. These files are located in the following directory:



About this task

  • Discover.conf - This file contains the default settings and values for operating system-level configuration.
    Note: Discover.conf must be assigned read-only permissions for all users. It must never be edited.
  • runtime.conf - This file must be used to override any of the setting values listed in the Discover.conf.

To change a runtime setting:


  1. Copy the entry from Discover.conf.
  2. Paste it into runtime.conf and edit the setting value.
  3. Save runtime.conf and restart the DNCA.