Checking on System Health through stats.xml

You can use the stats.xml output to monitor whether traffic is being received by the DNCA and then delivered to the target recipients.

Table 1. Traffic:


Setting Description and Expected Value
<CaptureCurrentFilteredKbytesPerSec> This value indicates the number of kilobytes per second of filtered data that is captured by the DNCA.
  • If capture is working, this value must be positive.
<SslTotalDhCipherConnections> This value indicates the total number of Diffie-Hellman SSL connections in use.
Note: The HCL Discover Network Capture Application does not support the use of the Diffie-Hellman cipher. This value must be zero (0).
Table 2. Delivery:


Setting Description and Expected Value
<StateText> This value indicates the state of the connection between the DNCA and the target Windows server.
  • This value must be connected.
<TotalHitsQueued> Total count of hits queued for delivery to HCL Discover server.
  • This value must be equal to <TotalHitsDelivered>.

For more information about the available options for dcxstats at the command line, run the following as the dncauser user:

 ./dcxstats -h