
These HCL Discover settings control creation of user accounts, password policies, and default user settings.

Table 1. Users
Setting Description Default
Automatic NT User Login If NT Auth is enabled, this setting allows visitors to the Discover Portal to be automatically logged in using their Windows NT domain credentials, by passing the Portal login screen. Enabled
Automatic User Creation If NT Auth is enabled, this setting allows for new users to have Portal accounts automatically created on first login. Enabled
Automatic User Creation Settings Prompt Enables first-time users to specify their user settings immediately upon login. Disabled
Automatic User Creation Type The type of user account to create when a user is auto-created. Portal
Display Splash Screen on User Login When enabled, users see the Portal Announcements window when they login. Enabled
Login Page Language (Global) The language used on the global login page. After the user logs in, the user's preferred language is known. English (US)
Minimum Password Length Minimum password length for user passwords.
  • Portal passwords have a maximum length of 32 characters.
New User Default Group The user group to assign to automatically created users. Portal User
New User Default Page The default start page to assign to automatically created users. 1
New User Default Time Zone The default timezone to assign automatically created users. System time zone
New User Group Default Language The default language automatically assigned to newly created users. English (US)
Previous Password History (Count) Number of unique passwords a user must have before reusing a password. Disabled
Previous Password History (Days) Number of days that must pass before a user can reuse a password. -1
Require Strong Passwords Require passwords to meet the 'strong password' requirements. Disabled