
These settings are used to define the Segment Builder, which is a service that can create a session segment from an external data source.

Note: These settings apply to HCL Discover Data Export, a separately licensable product for the HCL Discover system.
Table 1. Integration
Setting Description Default
Apply MD5 to value Apply MD5 hash to session identifier column. Disabled
Column for data field The column number for the session identifier. 1
Delimiter character for data records The delimiter character is used to separate columns in the source data file. ,
FTP Port The FTP port is the port number that is used for FTP file transfers. 21
Directory for processed files The location where processed files are stored. If a drive letter is not specified, then the path is relative to the Discover install directory. Integration\Completed
Directory for segment files The location where the source files are stored. If a drive letter is not specified, then the path is relative to the Discover install directory. Integration\Segments
Enable Segment Directory Watcher When this option is enabled, the Segment Builder service polls the upload directory at regular intervals for files to use to build new segments. If the segment files are large (> 1 MB), this option should be disabled. The service checks for new files every 5 minutes when this option is disabled. Enabled
Integration ID prefix If this option is enabled, the search value is parsed from the data file record using the prefix string defined in the Integration ID prefix setting as the start and through the delimiter or an end of line as the end of the string.
  • If this option is disabled, then the parser iterates through each line using a defined column as the integration key.
  • When building a segment, this value is used with the Delimiter character for data records setting to parse the search value from the data. This prefix is used when the data may have multiple values that are concatenated into one field in the data file.
  • If the search term is clearly defined in a column of the data file, this configuration option is not necessary.
Name for Session Segment The name for the generated session segment when viewed through the Discover Portal. Segment Builder
Search date span (days) The number of preceding days of session data that are searched to build the session segment from the source files. 3
Search term for data field The technical term used in the search to build the session segment.
Note: Do not change unless you are familiar with the Discover search syntax.
Session Segment Owner The default owner for the session segment. ADMIN
Share Segment Set this option to Enabled to share segments created by the Segment Builder service with all Discover users after they are created. Enabled
Use prefix value to parse integration ID field If this option is enabled, the integration parser removes from each line of data from the first instance of the prefix string defined in Integration ID prefix through the delimiter or an end of line.
Note: If this option is disabled, then the parser iterates through each line using a defined column as the integration key.