Portal database queries

Through the Portal, you can monitor interactions between the Portal application and the Discover databases.

About this task

  • Some Portal queries are managed through an intermediate service, which is not available for testing through this page. See "Configuring the Discover Data Service" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.

Through the Portal Management page, you can access query information for the Portal application to each database and can test the AJAX toolkits in use by the Portal.

Note: The database queries information applies only to your current Discover session. The SQL calls to each database can be useful for diagnosing database query issues. It is cleared whenever you log out of the Portal.


  1. Login to the Portal as an administrator.
  2. From the Portal menu, select Discover > Manage Portal.
  3. Click the Logs link in the left navigation panel.
  4. In the Logs pane, click the Portal History link.
  5. From the View drop-down, select one of the following options:
    AJAX Call History
    Information on AJAX calls made by the Portal application. You can test functionality of the AJAX toolkits used by the Portal through the Portal information report. See Portal Application Information Report.
    System Database History
    Review recent SQL calls made to the DC_SYSTEM database.
    Reports Database History
    Review recent SQL calls made to the DC_REPORTS database.
    Statistics Database History
    Review recent SQL calls made to the DC_STATISTICS database.
    • For more information on these reports, see Portal Logs.