Performance Monitoring

Discover provides several events for monitoring application performance.

These events enable tracking of the following types of application performance metrics:

  • ReqCancelled by client or by server
  • Server generation time
  • Network time
  • Roundtrip time
  • Render time

    Some of the preceding metrics are not available in standard HTML traffic. You must deploy the UI Capture solution to track render time in the client.

Through Discover reporting, you can compute average, minimum, and maximum values for these metrics. These reports are available through a separate reporting interface.

These events can be linked to other business process or performance events. For example, you can track the frequency of incidents when a large render time resulted in a client-initiated ReqCancelled event. Those events can then be correlated to your abandonment processes to identify if visitors are quitting because of performance issues and whether those issues apply to a specific page.