
Before you begin, all Discover users should review the Discover Basics, a short document that summarizes how the Web works at a technical level and how Discover works with it.

  • Discover Basics also includes a general glossary of terms applicable to business and IT users of Discover.

Data overview

For users who are developing events and reports, it is important to know how data flows through the Discover system.

The Discover data pipeline is composed of four parts, which include the following processes:

  • Stream data captured at the HCL Discover Network Capture Application server
  • Canister data, which is passed from the Network Capture to a Windowsâ„¢-based processing server for analysis and storage.
  • Index data, which is gathered from Canister data that was written to disk
  • Database data, which is aggregated from data that is stored in the Canister

In addition to events and dimensions, Discover reporting features more data objects and structures, including:

  • Alerts - email or log messages triggered based on event threshold values
  • Anomaly Detections - optional storage of averages and standard deviations for event and dimension values over a four-week rolling period