Selecting a specific dimension for the Anomaly Detection

After you selected the event upon which to create your anomaly detection, you may optionally select the specific dimension of the event whose values are used in the anomaly detection calculation.

Below, you can see an example structure.

+ Event 1 Name
    + Report Group 1 Name
        + Dimension 1 Name
        + Dimension 2 Name
        + Dimension 3 Name
    + Report Group 2 Name
        + Dimension 1 Name
        + Dimension 2 Name
+ Event 2 Name
    + Report Group 1 Name
        + Dimension 1 Name
        + Dimension 2 Name

Note: If you are creating a ratio, only the dimensions that are shared between the numerator event and the denominator event are available for selection.
Note: After you select a dimension for one event, the event list is filtered and only shows other events that use the same dimension.